Monday, July 10, 2006


Ever wanted to be a superhero? I was watching TV the other day and they have a new reality show out called "the Next Superhero". From what I saw it looks like people are coming on and showing what there superpower is or what they wish it were. Now I'm a huge superhero fan, have been since I was a little kid, but even I think this has taken the whole reality thing just a bit too far! Maybe it just be, but that seems like some executives got drunk in a room and said, "hey what can we do that nobody will watch"..... Watch it will probably be the next huge hit, and then I will fill like a doofball. No then I will totally know that our country is gone insane. Well have a good day and if you could be a superhero who would you be? Me I would be Spiderman.....I always identified with the tortured good guy, who didn't quite believe in himself, but still ended up saving the day!

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