Sunday, July 02, 2006

Life & Times

I'm been back in Okc for around 4 days after spending a month in Colorado working. It has been hard for me to rengage with life here in OKC. Not because I don't enjoy it here, just becasue after you have been working somewhere for 7 days a week for 4 weeks it sorta gets in your blood. I keep thinking I have to do something at Trail West and that I'm suppossed to be there instead of here, it's wierd.

On a personal level we past a huge milestone this last week! 15 years of marriage! It's hard to believe that we have been married 15 years. When I look back at pictures I see these two young, wide eyed kids that had no idea what they were doing or getting into. Thankfully marriage just keeps getting better and better for us. It has always been good, but it just keeps improving so I'm extremely thankful for a soulmate that makes it so fun to life live with. So for all of you who are thinking about marriage....I recommend it for sure, just make sure it's someone you have fun with and that you can see yourself growing old with!

Hope you have fun shooting off fireworks this week....tip don't hold the firecrackers too long....they hurt when they explode in your hand....believe me I know!!!!!!

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