Saturday, November 26, 2005

I just got back from spending a week at Disneyworld with my family. All sixteen of us, my brother and sister and their kids and my mom and dad all went. It was one of those once in a lifetime trips for us that we wanted to do before our kids got to old. Overall it really was a good trip. I was basically the tour guide since I set the whole thing up and no one else wanted to a make any decisions, so all of that fell to me. It is so much easier taking a bunch of high school kids across the world than it is taking your family to Disneyworld. No one wants to make a decision and then when you tell them what to do, they don't like it and then they gripe.

I know it's sinful of me but by the end of the trip everyone was saying we need rodney around to tell us where to go, because we have more fun when he is showing us what to do. I know I should be doing it out of the gratitude of my heart but it feels really good when your family regonizes your value. I guess all of us inwardly long for our families to see our value and to recognize that we have something unique and special to bring to the table. In many ways I've felt like an outsider with my family and still do to some extent, but it was nice to spend a week with them and try and understand and get along with each other.My advice if you want to do a bring family trip to disney, Do It, but wait till your kids are old enough to enjoy it. Also make sure you get the disney dining plan, it is the best deal they have...they don't have many but it's worth every penny you pay for it.

So if you are wondering why I haven't posted in a week that is why, hope everyone had a great thanksgiving...ours was spent in an airport with the family on our way back from the happiest place on the earth.

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