Friday, January 06, 2006

Right Brained

I took a test today and it said I was 20% left brained and 80% right Brain! So basically I'm supposed to be this creative, flexible, go with the flow kinda person. That is so not me. I'm organized, predictable, like routines, my desk and office are always in tip top shape. I can tell you what I had for breakfast 4 years ago today, because I write everything down. I always follow directions and I never rock the boat. I am the most stable, well balanced person I know! Well I can always lie to myself, it is my blog and they say you can be anything you want on the internet right! If my wife reads this she might just tell me these pain drugs that I'm on are really affecting me than they should. I don't think I would like to be a drug addict, I don't really like the way drugs make me feel, in some ways I do, but I don't like the whole loopy, spacey way I'm seeing things these last few days. Oh well, I guess it's good that I don't want to be a drug addict, it kinda but a damper on being in ministry and being hooked on drugs or so I've heard! Well take care everyone and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

sure, that totally fits you