Saturday, January 27, 2007

Cool old guy

I was talking with our student staff girl the other day, doing some training with her and she made a comment that really made me laugh and cry at the same time. She is a freshman in College and a great girl, very fun and kids love to hang out with her. I made the comment that she has a "cool factor" part of it is because of who she is, but alot of it is because of her age. I told her that she is "cool" to the kids we hang out with, she is this girl from California, she is pretty and she is in college and she is giving high schoolers her time. She is cool to them. I said unlike me I don't have much of a cool factor left, I'm just not that cool to kids anymore! Doesn't mean I can't relate I'm just not the one they want to call and just hang with like they did when I was in my 20's! She then says but Rodney You are a "cool old dude". I laughed and cried....It's great to still be cool, but I'm not liking the old part. The funny thing is that she meant it in a good way, but it sure felt like Ouch!
Great thing about hanging around younger folks, they sure know how to keep you humble. So from the "cool old dude". Hang loose and have a great day.


hoose said...
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hoose said...

you didn't seem that old back in the day, but i know once i graduated my cool factor started leaking. oh well, for what's its worth you don't seem that old to a 22 year old

Kevin said...

one of my students called me a "puss" the other day. It was great!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I lost my cool factor when I became a sub. I didn't know how much it was gone until Stampede when one of the students asked if I was a high school senior's MOM!

Anonymous said...

who are you calling old? i'm 37 too...oh yeah...i guess i am old...hey buddy, charlie west here. i decided to look you up. my email is i'd like to get your number and catch up.
