Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year

It's the new year and I'm starting out writing. My goal this year is to at least post something once a week. I gave up on trying to do a daily thing. One it's just not me and I would never be able to keep it up anyway. I also don't have that much to say. The huffty family had a great holiday. Went to texas and spent it with the folks and siblings, had a great, relaxing, easy time! Life is good for us! So you got any resolutions for the new year? I'm trying to lose 25 pounds, be more consistent about getting up early. Finish a 100 mile bike ride in Colorado, run another half marathoan and begin gettign ready for a marathon next January! I had a goal to run a marathon by the time I was 35, I didn't do it but I'm still trying to get it done before f 40! I'll post some picture of our Younglife bike team in the future. We have 35 people who are riding the race with me in Colorado! So I think that will help me finish. Well have a great year and I'll hopefully see you weekly!

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