Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Gone with the Wind

Well yesterday pretty much sucked! My laptop got stolen out of my Kristen's van while it was parked in front of the elementary school. Who goes to elementary schools to steal stuff, what a loser. It was in a backpack, so someone probably thought, cool I can steal someone's books and make them cry, what a doofish! Well computers are great but when your whole life is on them it kinda sucks and when everything has been bookmarked it's hard to remember how to get places and what your login stuff in, it's just stinks. We have to cancel all our cards, change bank accounts, etc, because all of that stuff was on the computer. Not to mention all my work for the last year, I know your saying didn't you back up! Yes I did on a couple of those little USB thingys, but guess where they where? Yep, in the front of the backpack, so I don't have all that stuff either, so today I'm forced to use my brain again, I thought I was through with that stage of my life! So if you see anyone running around with a Toshiba notebook with Younglife stickers on it, steal it back for me! Hope your doing well..


Anonymous said...

yeah, that is frustrating. my sis-in-law's purse was stolen in front of a church while she was picking up my niece from daycare. the police said that thieves case joints like that and schools because they know parents leave stuff in the cars while they go get their kids from school. jerks! and the "my-whole-life-was-on-that-computer" part totally sucks!!

rocketbird said...

That totally, utterly sucks.