Monday, May 08, 2006


I just erased all my great thoughts. It was a good pondering, deep blog but you don't ever get to see it. I guess when you call your blog shallow thoughts that it has this hidden feature that won't let me be deep. If you really want to know what I wrote just call me and I will wax eloquently to you about my deep longing about talking to kids about Christ and if what we say really matters! It was really fairly good, or so I think. Well if anyone is out there anymore let me know........bueller......bueller........bueller......
If that doesn't make sense to you than your too young. I'll write later!


Kevin said...

I am listening, but I'll call you. That's always better anyways.

Anonymous said...

I'm listening too, but I keep forgetting to call. You should type the ponderings out again.

BTW--good job on the half-marathon. I'm contemplating a sprint triathalon in the future.