Saturday, May 20, 2006


I just realized I haven't said anything in awhile. I've been fairly busy the last few weeks, getting ready for summer assignments, heading to work week, end of school crap and trying to encourage Kristen through her job search. Let me tell you what happened on thursday. I had just gotten back from Colorado (driven all night because my household was imploding and needed daddy around) fixed the crisis with the family because that's what we dad's do! Well the next day the girls are in the back yard playing in the water and had the hose running and I was in the kitchen, they had been playing for about 50 or so minutes with the water running the whole time. I go back to our bedroom and am heading to the bathroom and step into the bathroom and I step into a puddle of water. I'm not sure where it's coming from so I follow the trail and it leads to our walk in closet and our closet is flooded with water. The spicket from the outdoor faucet had a leak inside the wall and the whole time the girls had been playing water had been pouring into our walls down into our closet and bedroom. Well we got the water turned off and then came the clean up. I spent Thursday night vacuuming up water and ripping up carpet and pads and trying to dry out our room. In fact we still have one of those carpet blowers in our room drying it out. The good thing is that we got our closet cleaned out, the bad news is we have a 1,000 deductible on our homeowners insurance, so this is probably all out of pocket for us. I wish I could wax eloquenlenty about some spiritual lesson but I got nothing. I could probably come up with one, something about hidden sin and it finally bursting all over your life, but that probably hits a little too close to home, so I will steer clear of that line of thinking. I could also talk about how sometime you never know the influence you are having on people until one day something pours out and you never saw it coming. Lots of cool ideas but really it was just a broken pipe and a lot of water all over my floor! If you get a chance pray for kristen she is a little down with this whole job search thing. Thinking no one wants her and that she is not good at anything anymore, I know how she feels because I was there about 2 years ago, but it's hard to see someone else go through it.
Well those are some thoughts and hopefully I will have some more soon, but no promises, just check back often and email me if you want me to actually talk about something worthwhile!
Peace OuT!!!!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006


I just erased all my great thoughts. It was a good pondering, deep blog but you don't ever get to see it. I guess when you call your blog shallow thoughts that it has this hidden feature that won't let me be deep. If you really want to know what I wrote just call me and I will wax eloquently to you about my deep longing about talking to kids about Christ and if what we say really matters! It was really fairly good, or so I think. Well if anyone is out there anymore let me know........bueller......bueller........bueller......
If that doesn't make sense to you than your too young. I'll write later!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

OKC Half-Marathon

Here is me running the Half I actually have a smile on my face, may be too small to see but I do. It was really a fun race. I wasn't the fastest by a long shot but I finished the race with a time of 2:17 which beat my other half marathon by 12 minutes, so I'm getting better. Who knows I still may complete that goal of doing a whole marathon yet!

Goldfish Night

We had Goldfish club monday night and one of our leaders caught some small bass in a nearby pond, so we put them into the pool also and they were are bonus fish. It was quite a site seeing kids and leaders swimming around in a pool trying to catch goldfish and bass. As you can see Heath her came up with the small bass. Unforturnally most of the 420 goldfish suffered a early demise due to the chorline! Expect for the 20 or so that one of our club girls rescued. She is a member of PETA! Take care Posted by Picasa